Weight Loss

Metabolic Balance Program
“Your Nutrition plan is unique just like you are unique”
Bring your metabolism back to normal, feel energized and enjoy your new lifestyle which allows you to manage your weight and love your new self for the rest of your life.

What I Offer
The program includes:lab work, Unique food plan, and 2 one on one meetings per month for 6 months that is 12 meetings plus 4 bonus group meetings to answer all questions, to stay on your challenge, to nourish and balance your inner health with a Big Bonus: “WEIGHTLOSS”.

Metabolic Balance is a 4-Phase Program
PHASE I: Is a mild two-day cleanse to prepare your body for the nutrition challenge..
PHASE IIa: Is a strict two-week metabolic adjustment phase.
PHASE IIb: Here some restricted foods are added and modified until you meet desired weight and/or health goals.
PHASE III: Allows you to reintroduce foods that were excluded phase II and to monitor any reactions to these foods so the body is smoothly transitioned.
PHASE IV: Is the maintenance phase. As soon as you have reached your desired weight . Learn how to have a balanced life. Enjoy foods that are not in your meal plan.

By following this program for three months you will know your body’s response the foods that are best suited for you. This will help you maintain your weight, health, and vitality feel energized in your new body. This is the power of having a metabolically balanced life.

Children 8 years and older can also start this program. For more information please contact Shiba Surti: wellness@shibasurti.com

When you are ready to apply the holistic approach to health, please call or email and we can set up a Free Healing Strategy Session to discuss how we can support you in your journey towards a healthy and happy life.